Hans Hass Archiv

Energon Papers

This presentation for the internet includes several books, declarations and summaries, introducing the reader to an entirely new approach toward the phenomenom of life. Although each document has its own topic, they form integral part of a new view of our existence and of current problems we are faced with. For the first time, a comprehensive overview on Energon Research is available in english language. I hope that the publication now is available will lead to intensive scientific discussions that are crucial for scientific progress.

Energon Theory. The hidden common feature in the evolution of life. (1970, english)
„The Energon Theory“ is the result of decades of intensive research and focuses on the energetic basis of life. After four billion years of evolution, mankind is certainly not the climax of this process. Are technology, economy, culture, etc. really something fundamentally different from animals and plants? It seems that there are identical laws underlying all forms of life including the cultural level of human life.
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Theorems, Fundamental Laws and Resumees. The Evolution of Energons. (1978, englisch)
Synopsis of the Book "Die Schöpfung geht weiter", with Co-Author Horst Lange-Prollius
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The Semi-Predator. How to overcome our instincts and be more successful in business. (1988, english)
The research that led Hans Hass to this “psychosplit thesis” spans a period of 6 years and represents the practical outcome of the Energon theory. His earlier research in tropical seas also contributed in many ways to this new field of endeavor. His studies on shark behavior, for example, based on direct observation in the field, revealed more about the mechanics of innate predatory instincts than any laboratory studies ever could. And the incredible diversity of animal life in coral reefs drew Hass’ attention to natural laws that turn out to be equally applicable in explaining links and causalities in the business world.
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Hypercell Organisms. A new perspective of man in evolution. (1994, english)
The book on „Hypercell Organisms“ is based on Darwin’s „The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection“ and leads us toward the new concepts of „Energon“ and „Hypercell Organisms“.
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Humans as Hyper-Cellular Organisms. (1997, english)
This lecture was held by Hans Hass on April, 9th 1997 in the Deutsches Hygiene"Museum, Dresden, during the Kongress "Laboratorium Mensch? Wege ins 21. Jahrhundert" for the EXPO 2000.
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Lisbon Expo ‘98 Declaration: Human rights - human obligations.
The theme of the fair was "The Oceans, a Heritage for the Future", chosen in part to commemorate 500 years of Portuguese discoveries. Hans Hass was the Keynote Speaker.
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The Energon Theory. (2004, english)
A brief outline of its line of argumentation, its practical applications and its philosophical consequences.
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Brief an die Frauen in allen Teilen der Welt. (2007, deutsch)
Denkschrift über Vermehrung des Menschen und die Gefahr einer Selbstzerstörung des Lebens.
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